布萊恩·銅鬚說: 啊哈,這才是我說的大發現!對話後,布萊恩.銅鬚身旁的勘查員會給予一個任務(25人:英雄:星穹渾天儀;10人:星穹渾天儀),讓玩家尋找星穹渾天儀的入口,阻止艾爾加隆傳回任何訊息。
Brann Bronzebeard says: Now, this is what we call a nice find!
大資料庫系統說: 登入拒否。存取層級不足。
Archivum System says: Entry denied. Access level insufficient.
布萊恩·銅鬚說: 我會給你存取許可,你這個爛機器。又登場啦:諾甘農之鑰!
Brann Bronzebeard says: I'll show ye access, ye wretched machine. Here it is again: Norgannon's key!
大資料庫系統說: 獲得大資料庫的存取許可。中止入侵防禦機制。
Archivum System says: Access to the Archivum granted. Intrusion protection mechanisms suspended.
布萊恩·銅鬚說: 看起來就跟我和那些小夥子先前發現的泰坦資料庫差不多…只是更古老…更巨大。
Brann Bronzebeard says: Looks just like all the other titan archives me lads have found... only older... and bigger.
布萊恩·銅鬚說: 等等:這看起來不太對勁!那個閃光旁邊的…那這個艾爾加隆警示器又是什麼玩意兒?
Brann Bronzebeard says: Wait a second: this doesn't look right! Next to this blinking light... what's this Algalon signal?
大資料庫系統說: 查詢開始。艾爾加隆故障安全防護裝置是用於首席管理官死亡後的自動緊急警報器。
Archivum System says: Initiating query. The Algalon Failsafe is an automated emergency signal following a Prime Designate's demise.
布萊恩·銅鬚說: 首席管理官?我怎麼在哪裡聽過的感覺?我祖父的鬍子啊,洛肯就是艾澤拉斯的首席管理官。洛肯的死觸發那個東西!
Brann Bronzebeard says: Prime Designate? Where have I 'eard that before? By my grandfather's beard, Loken is Azeroth's Prime Designate. Loken's death triggered this!
大資料庫系統說: 正確。首席管理官洛肯毀滅時的時間標記被認定為警報器的啟動點。
Archivum System says: Affirmative. Timestamp of Prime Designate Loken's destruction coincides with signal activation.
布萊恩·銅鬚說: 嗯?誰在另一邊接收警報?接下來會發生什麼事?
Brann Bronzebeard says: Well? Who's on the listening side of the signal? What's going to happen?
大資料庫系統說: 搜尋中…首席管理官的毀滅被認定為行星系統失控的第一道警訊。艾爾加隆觀察者的實體抵達將展開行星判別,結果可能有兩種。回覆代碼Α,表示「情況良好」;回覆代碼Ω,表示行星需要重啟。
Archivum System says: Searching... Destruction of Prime Designate is considered the first warning sign of systemic planetary failure. Algalon observer entity's arrival is followed by planetary diagnostics resulting in one of two possible reply signals. Reply-code Alpha, signaling "All is well" and Reply-code Omega, signaling planetary re-origination.
布萊恩·銅鬚說: 行星「重」啟?講白話一點,你這個該死機器!
Brann Bronzebeard says: Planetary re-origination? Speak plainly, ye blasted machine!
大資料庫系統說: 將星球與其生命有機體分解為基本元素:金屬、岩石與氣體。之後將會經歷一段重建期,讓所有元素能重歸原始的行星藍圖。
Archivum System says: The decomposition of the planet and its living organisms into base elements: metals, rocks, gases. This is followed by a period of reconstitution of each element into the original planetary blueprint.
布萊恩·銅鬚說: 聽到了嗎,小鬼?不過是世界末日嘛!還等什麼,你這生鏽的鐵罐頭?回覆代碼Α,表示情況良好!我請你喝酒!
Brann Bronzebeard says: Hear that, lads? It's only the end of the world! Well, what are ye waiting for, ye rusty machine? Initiate Reply-code Alpha. All is well! Pints are on me!
大資料庫系統說: 要求拒否。回覆代碼內建於艾爾加隆觀察者實體中。他既是使者也是訊息本身。
Archivum System says: Request denied. Reply-codes built into Algalon observer entity. He is both messenger and message.
布萊恩·銅鬚說: 好吧,艾爾加隆會從分析中作出什麼判斷?我們有多少機會?
Brann Bronzebeard says: Well, what's this Algalon going to be looking for with his diagnostics? What are our chances?
大資料庫系統說: 艾爾加隆的判別會評估古神腐化對行星系統生命運作的危險性。計算回覆代碼Ω的機率……
Archivum System says: Algalon diagnostics assess danger of systemic Old God corruption in planetary vital functions. Calculating chance of Omega Reply-code...
大資料庫系統說: 機率為百分之九十九點九九。
Archivum System says: Ninety-nine point nine nine percent.
大資料庫系統說: 小數點要無限循環。
Archivum System says: That's repeating, of course.
布萊恩·銅鬚說: 該死的混蛋,小夥子。看來我們得打上一架了。
Brann Bronzebeard says: Blast it, lads. Looks like we've got a fight ahead of us.

布萊恩·銅鬚說: 新的命令!打開通往星穹渾天儀的入口。對話後,勘查員會給予四個任務,去得到四個看守者的符印:
Brann Bronzebeard says: New orders! Unlock the entry to the Celestial Planetarium.
大資料庫系統說: 要求拒否。需要四名看守者的符印認可才能存取。
Archivum System says: Request denied. Access requires manual verification of the four watchers' sigils.
布萊恩·銅鬚說: 四位看守者?符印?拜託你講話可不可以別像打啞謎,該死的機器?
Brann Bronzebeard says: Four watchers? Sigils? Could ye be a little less cryptic, confounded machine?
大資料庫系統說: 奧杜亞的四位看守者:芙蕾雅、索林姆、霍迪爾與彌米倫。這些符印與他們的身體和心靈緊緊相連。四個符印需要全數到齊,才能進入星穹渾天儀。
Archivum System says: The four watchers of Ulduar: Freya, Thorim, Hodir and Mimiron. The sigils are tied to their physical and mental integrity. All four sigils are required for access to the Celestial Planetarium.
布萊恩·銅鬚說: 那我們要如何取得那些符印?難不成走上前,跟他們套交情嗎?
Brann Bronzebeard says: How do we get the sigils from them, then? Just walk up to them and ask them nicely?
大資料庫系統說: 分析看守者狀態。請稍等。
Archivum System says: Analyzing watchers status. Please wait.
大資料庫系統說: 發現腐化。外在影響控制了看守者。符印受到了威脅。
Archivum System says: Corruption found. External influence gaining control over watchers. Sigils compromised.
布萊恩·銅鬚說: 你是不是要告訴我們如何…「避免」符印受到威脅?
Brann Bronzebeard says: You're going to tell us how to... "un-compromise" the sigils, aren't you?
大資料庫系統說: 適當地運用外力將可以使看守者重置其運作,移除外在影響。
Archivum System says: Sufficient use of force would trigger a reset in watcher functions, removing the external influence.
大資料庫系統說: 為了在過程中避免危及符印,我可以分析每一位看守者的狀態,在計算完成後讓你得知這些資料。
Archivum System says: As for not endangering the sigils during this process, I can analyze each watcher's status and make that information available to you upon completion of calculations.
布萊恩·銅鬚說: 多年來我一直夢想著在泰坦的殿堂中漫步。不過,我還真沒想到我最後得對抗他們的造物。
Brann Bronzebeard says: I've dreamed of roaming the halls of the titans for years. I never thought I'd be pitted against their creations.
- 25人:
- 10人:
- 看守者分析:芙蕾雅
大資料庫系統說: 開始進行看守者芙蕾雅狀態分析。
Archivum System says: Commencing Watcher Freya status analysis.
大資料庫系統說: 看守者的力量會隨著長者僕從的在場而獲得強化。
Archivum System says: Watcher's powers augmented by presence of Elder servants.
大資料庫系統說: 分析亮葉長者的強化…宿存區域的防禦力量因太陽光而增幅。
Archivum System says: Analyzing Elder Brightleaf enhancement. Persistent area defenses powered by solar amplification.
大資料庫系統說: 石木長者的分析顯示有一種音波防禦將會干擾魔法的施放。
Archivum System says: Elder Stonebark analysis reveals a sonic defense that disrupts use of magic.
大資料庫系統說: 鐵枝長者的掃瞄發現植物型定身機制。
Archivum System says: Elder Ironbranch scans have uncovered plant based immobilization mechanisms.
大資料庫系統說: 除此之外,我的分析發現每一位長者會分別使芙蕾雅的法術施展、物理與召喚能力有所加強。
Archivum System says: In addition, my analysis links each Elder to an increase in Freya spell-casting, physical or summoning capabilities.
大資料庫系統說: 摧毀長者僕從能夠使看守者芙蕾雅失去那些強化。然而卻極有可能會對芙蕾雅本人與其所有物造成永久的損傷,包括她的符印。
Archivum System says: Destruction of Elder servants will result in lost of enhancements of Watcher Freya. However permanent damage to Freya's person and possessions including her Watcher sigil highly probable. - 看守者分析:霍迪爾
大資料庫系統說: 開始進行看守者霍迪爾狀態分析。
Archivum System says: Commencing Watcher Hodir status analysis.
大資料庫系統說: 霍迪爾的符印顯示藏在一個裝滿神器的箱子中。
Archivum System says: Hodir's sigil appears to be located inside a cache of artifacts.
大資料庫系統說: 看守者霍迪爾的性格與行為相當的不穩定。過長的戰鬥極有可能讓他毀去箱子。
Archivum System says: Watcher Hodir's temperament and behavior highly unstable. Destruction of cache highly probable during prolonged combat.
大資料庫系統說: 出現在戰場中的盟友將能夠提供協助並且盡可能縮短戰鬥時間。
Archivum System says: Allies imprisoned in the field of battle are likely to provide synergies and minimize combat duration.
大資料庫系統說: 保護箱子是確保霍迪爾符印的關鍵。
Archivum System says: Preservation of cache is essential to recovering Hodir's sigil. - 看守者分析:索林姆
大資料庫系統說: 開始進行看守者索林姆狀態分析。
Archivum System says: Commencing Watcher Thorim status analysis.
大資料庫系統說: 偵測到外在影響,以幻覺偽裝成索林姆死去的伴侶,希芙。
Archivum System says: An external influence under illusory guise of Thorim's deceased mate Sif has been detected.
大資料庫系統說: 來自該存在體的心靈干擾極有可能會引發局部的記憶損傷。
Archivum System says: Mental interference from this presence dangerously close from triggering partial memory damage.
大資料庫系統說: 戰術分析建議由正面的競技場靠近,並分出第二支隊伍通過地面的側邊走道。這樣最有可能在外在影響的心靈控制全面支配他之前抵達索林姆的瞰臺。
Archivum System says: Tactical analysis suggest approaching the arena from the front and splitting secondary force through a side passage at the ground level. This will maximize odds of reaching Thorim's outlook before mental domination by external presence is complete. - 看守者分析:彌米倫
大資料庫系統說: 開始進行看守者彌米倫狀態分析。
Archivum System says: Commencing Watcher Mimiron status analysis.
大資料庫系統說: 看守者彌米倫的符印連結在一具自毀裝置上,並且連接著整個巧思迴廊。
Archivum System says: Watcher Mimiron's sigil is linked to a self-destruct mechanism connected to entirety of the Corridors of Ingenuity.
大資料庫系統說: 自毀裝置的觸發器被命名為「紅色大按鈕」,彌米倫親手製作的裝置。
Archivum System says: Trigger for self-destruct mechanism is code named "Big Red Button". Mimiron's own creation.
大資料庫系統說: 要取得彌米倫的符印,必須要啟動自毀程序然後在其完成前將彌米倫打敗。
Archivum System says: To retrieve Mimiron's sigil, initiate self-destruct sequence and defeat Mimiron before its completion.
- 25人:
- 芙蕾雅:在不摧毀三個長者僕從的狀況下擊敗芙蕾雅(古樹、古樹、古樹保佑(25人))。
- 霍迪爾:在霍迪爾打毀凜冬珍貯箱前阻止他(我想這個箱子一定很珍貴(25人))。
- 索林姆:在幻覺的心靈控制全面支配索林姆前擊敗他(解放你的幻覺(25人))。
- 彌米倫:啟動自毀裝置後,在自毀程序完成前將擊敗彌米倫(救火高手(25人))。
- 芙蕾雅:在不摧毀三個長者僕從的狀況下擊敗芙蕾雅(古樹、古樹、古樹保佑(25人))。
- 10人:
- 芙蕾雅:在不摧毀三個長者僕從的狀況下擊敗芙蕾雅(古樹、古樹、古樹保佑(10人))。
- 霍迪爾:在霍迪爾打毀凜冬珍貯箱前阻止他(我想這個箱子一定很珍貴(10人))。
- 索林姆:在幻覺的心靈控制全面支配索林姆前擊敗他(解放你的幻覺(10人))。
- 彌米倫:啟動自毀裝置後,在自毀程序完成前將擊敗彌米倫(救火高手(10人))。
- 芙蕾雅:在不摧毀三個長者僕從的狀況下擊敗芙蕾雅(古樹、古樹、古樹保佑(10人))。
布萊恩·銅鬚大喊: 我們辦到了,小夥子!我們搶在艾爾加隆之前趕到。說不定能對系統動點手腳,影響他的分析--幾十秒後,觀察者艾爾加隆出現:
Brann Bronzebeard yells: We did it lads! We got here before Algalon's arrival! Maybe we can rig the systems to interfere with his analysis.
『觀察者』艾爾加隆說: 傳輸完畢。進行艾澤拉斯星體分析。布萊恩.銅鬚聽到世界將會毀滅,立刻說了:
Algalon the Observer says: Trans-location complete. Commencing planetary analysis of Azeroth.
『觀察者』艾爾加隆說: 退開,凡人。我無意與你相爭。
Algalon the Observer says: Stand back, mortals. I am not here to fight you.
『觀察者』艾爾加隆說: 如果我的分析找出系統產生了腐化,此行星就必須重啟才不會危害到整個宇宙。不要阻止此事。
Algalon the Observer says: It is in the universe's best interest to re-originate this planet should my analysis find systemic corruption. Do not interfere.
布萊恩·銅鬚說: 我立刻回大資料庫,看能不能中斷他的信號。或許在你們對付他時,我能爭取一點時間。為了艾澤拉斯的未來,玩家們必須與之對抗,此時艾爾加隆會大喊:
Brann Bronzebeard says: I'll head back to the Archivum and see if I can jam his signal. I might be able to buy us some time while you take care of him.
『觀察者』艾爾加隆大喊: 你的行為毫無意義。這場衝突的結果早已計算出來了。不論結局為何,萬神殿仍將收到觀察者的訊息。擊敗艾爾加隆後,艾爾加隆會大喊:
Algalon the Observer yells: Your actions are illogical. All possible results for this encounter have been calculated. The Pantheon will receive the Observer's message regardless of outcome.
『觀察者』艾爾加隆大喊: 我曾經看過塵世沉浸在造物者的烈焰之中,眾生連一聲悲泣都無法呼出,就此凋零。整個星系在彈指之間歷經了毀滅與重生。然而在這段歷程之中,我的心卻無法感受到絲毫的…惻隱之念。我·感·受·不·到。成千上萬的生命就這麼消逝。他們是否擁有與你同樣堅韌的生命?他們是否與你同樣熱愛生命?聽到這裡,把握時間,將艾爾加隆身上的回覆代碼A(25人:回覆代碼A;10人:回覆代碼A)交給了位於達拉然的羅甯,讓他將回覆代碼A傳輸回萬神殿。羅甯收到回覆代碼A後,他會說:
Algalon the Observer yells: I have seen worlds bathed in the Makers' flames. Their denizens fading without so much as a whimper. Entire planetary systems born and raised in the time that it takes your mortal hearts to beat once. Yet all throughout, my own heart, devoid of emotion... of empathy. I... have... felt... NOTHING! A million, million lives wasted. Had they all held within them your tenacity? Had they all loved life as you do?
『觀察者』艾爾加隆大喊: 或許是你們在天性上的缺陷--也因此賦予你們自由的意志--使你們得以與宇宙運行的法則所抗衡。你達成了泰坦的完美造物也無法完成的使命。
Algalon the Observer yells: Perhaps it is your imperfection that which grants you free will. That allows you to persevere against cosmically calculated odds. You prevailed where the Titans' own perfect creations have failed.
『觀察者』艾爾加隆大喊: 我已重新設定了回覆代碼: 你們的星球將獲得赦免。我再也無法信任我所計算的結果了。
Algalon the Observer yells: I've rearranged the reply code. Your planet will be spared. I cannot be certain of my own calculations anymore.
『觀察者』艾爾加隆大喊: 我的力量已不足以傳輸信號了。你必須…盡快…找到足夠的能量…靠近穹蒼的地方。
Algalon the Observer yells: I lack the strength to transmit the signal. You must hurry. Find a place of power close to the skies.
布萊恩·銅鬚大喊: 我知道適合的地方。你還好吧?
Brann Bronzebeard yells: I know just the place, will you be all right?
『觀察者』艾爾加隆大喊: 別管我會如何,銅鬚。如果時限內未能將信號傳出去,星球重啟仍會如期進行。拯救…你的世界吧……
Algalon the Observer yells: Do not worry about my fate, Bronzen. If the signal is not transmitted in time re-origination will proceed regardless. Save. Your. World.
羅甯說: 我們收到了布萊恩的消息,我們會開始準備。幾分後,羅甯離開紫羅蘭城塞,走到日暮區中央廣場,將回覆代碼A傳輸回去。最後,羅甯對達拉然的市民們敘述了奧杜亞中的秘密:
Rhonin says: We received Brann's message and we begun preparations.
布萊恩·銅鬚說: 剛好趕上。那麼,讓我們把這件事解決。
Brann Bronzebeard says: Just in time. Let's see this thing off then.
羅甯大喊: 達拉然的市民們!睜開你們的雙眼好好地看著天空!英雄們拯救了世界,我們繼續在拍賣場血拼吧。
Rhonin yells: Citiziens of Dalaran, raise your eyes to the skies and observe.
羅甯大喊: 今天,我們所身處的世界,躲過了偉大造物主的毀滅!
Rhonin yells: Today our world's destruction has been averted in defiance of our very makers.
羅甯大喊: 『觀察者』艾爾加隆,泰坦的信使,在泰坦城市奧杜亞的深處,被我們最勇敢的同伴所擊敗。
Rhonin yells: Algalon the Observer has been defeated by our brave comrades in the depths of the titans city of Ulduar.
羅甯大喊: 艾爾加隆被派來決定我們世界的命運。
Rhonin yells: Algalon was sent here to judge the faith of our world.
羅甯大喊: 他發現這個星球的種族早已脫離了泰坦原有的藍圖。這個星球上並非萬事萬物都照著泰坦的計畫而行。
Rhonin yells: He found a planet whose races had deviated from the titans' blueprints. A planet where not everything has gone according to plan.
羅甯大喊: 冰冷的邏輯認定我們的世界不值得保留。冰冷的邏輯卻沒有把自由意志的力量納入考量。而證明這個世界有其存在的價值是我們每一個人的職責。
Rhonin yells: Cold logic deemed our world not worth saving. Cold logic however does not account for the power of free will!
羅甯大喊: 我們的生命…是值得活下去的。
Rhonin yells: It's up to each of us to prove this his a world worth saving! That our lives... our lives are worth living!