2009年4月12日 星期日

Dalaran Magical Menagerie

  1. There have 6 Stabled Hunter Pets(SHP) in Dalaran Magical Menagerie. 4 on land, 2 in air.
    The NPC ID of SHP on land is 31755, 31756, 31757, 31758. (from left to right)
    The NPC ID of SHP in air is 31768, 31769. (from left to right)

  2. There have 30 times of SHP data, show below:

    The level of SHP is between 74 and 80. The hit point of SHP:
    • lv 74 SHP:10282
    • lv 75 SHP hp:10635
    • lv 76 SHP hp:11001
    • lv 77 SHP hp:11379
    • lv 78 SHP hp:11770
    • lv 79 SHP hp:12175
    • lv 80 SHP hp:12600

  3. The respawn time of SHP: every day AM0200(zhTW server). When server reboot, SHP will respawn. SHP respawn video:

  4. Other informations of SHP from wow database:
    SHP-31755 allakhazam wowhead thottbot wowdb wowbox
    SHP-31756 allakhazam wowhead thottbot wowdb wowbox
    SHP-31757 allakhazam wowhead thottbot wowdb wowbox
    SHP-31758 allakhazam wowhead thottbot wowdb wowbox
    SHP-31768 allakhazam wowhead thottbot wowdb wowbox
    SHP-31769 allakhazam wowhead thottbot wowdb wowbox

    1. In allakhazam, the screenshots of SHP-31769 is wrong.
    2. In wowhead, every SHP has one screenshots and 3D model.
      The comments in wowhead SHP-31755:
      Tavaria: I think this one was removed, can't see him in the pet shop. :o
      The comments in wowhead SHP-31758:
      Bloodveld: Quite a nice looking crab there.
    3. In thottbot, every SHP has the same comments:
      Bartjeuh: a raptor dragonhawk owl scorpid warp stalker...
      sad that its not possible to buy ANY pet in there only toys for em
    4. In wowdb, SHP-31755 and SHP-31758 have not 3D model.
    5. In wowbox, every SHP have one 3D model data ID.

  5. SHP path:

    • SHP-31755 (red) A >move straight> B >move straight> A
    • SHP-31756 (orange) A >move straight> B >move straight> A
    • SHP-31757 (green) A >move straight> B >move straight> C >move straight> A
    • SHP-31758 don't move.
    • SHP-31768 (sky blue) A >fly half circle> B >fly half circle> A >fly half circle> B >fly straight> A
    • SHP-31769 (blue) A >fly straight> B >fly 3/4 circle> C >fly straight> A

  6. Special thanks to some player on zhTW server:
    • Icecrown - 阿楷 (thanks 阿楷 open the Dalaran Portal.)
    • Menethil - 五支菸 (thanks 五支菸 open another account player, Zealot Blade - 艾倫卡特, to help me collect data.)

2009年4月11日 星期六

達拉然魔法動物園(Dalaran Magical Menagerie)

  1. 拴住的獵人寵物(SHP)位於達拉然魔法動物園中,共有六隻。四隻著地,兩隻飛行。
    地上四隻SHP的NPC ID從左至右分別為31755317563175731758
    飛行兩隻SHP的NPC ID從左至右分別為3176831769

  2. 30筆圖片資料,結果如下:

    • 74級SHP:10282
    • 75級SHP:10635
    • 76級SHP:11001
    • 77級SHP:11379
    • 78級SHP:11770
    • 79級SHP:12175
    • 80級SHP:12600

  3. SHP重生時間:每日AM0200,伺服器重開也會更新。SHP重生前後影片:

  4. 其他網站的SHP資料:
    SHP-31755 allakhazam wowhead thottbot wowdb wowbox
    SHP-31756 allakhazam wowhead thottbot wowdb wowbox
    SHP-31757 allakhazam wowhead thottbot wowdb wowbox
    SHP-31758 allakhazam wowhead thottbot wowdb wowbox
    SHP-31768 allakhazam wowhead thottbot wowdb wowbox
    SHP-31769 allakhazam wowhead thottbot wowdb wowbox

    1. allakhazam中,關於SHP-31769的截圖是錯的。
    2. wowhead中,每個SHP都有一張截圖和一個3D模型。
      wowhead SHP-31755的評論:
      Tavaria: I think this one was removed, can't see him in the pet shop. :o
      wowhead SHP-31758的評論:
      Bloodveld: Quite a nice looking crab there.
    3. thottbot中,每一個SHP都是相同的評論:
      Bartjeuh: a raptor dragonhawk owl scorpid warp stalker...
      sad that its not possible to buy ANY pet in there only toys for em
    4. wowdb中,SHP-31755SHP-31758沒有3D模型。
    5. wowbox中,提供每個SHP提供一個3D模型名稱。

  5. 各SHP移動路徑:

    • SHP-31755 (紅色) A >直線> B >直線> A
    • SHP-31756 (橙色) A >直線> B >直線> A
    • SHP-31757 (綠色) A >直線> B >直線> C >直線> A
    • SHP-31758 不動
    • SHP-31768 (青藍色) A >繞半圓飛> B >繞半圓飛> A >繞半圓飛> B >直線飛> A
    • SHP-31769 (藍色) A >直線飛> B >繞3/4圓飛> C >直線飛> A

  6. 特別感謝:
    • 寒冰皇冠 - 阿楷(感謝阿楷幫我開啟往達拉然的傳送門。)
    • 米奈希爾 - 五支菸(感謝五支菸開狂熱之刃 - 艾倫卡特幫我蒐集資料。)