Dalaran Magical Menagerie
There have 6 Stabled Hunter Pets(SHP) in Dalaran Magical Menagerie. 4 on land, 2 in air. The NPC ID of SHP on land is 31755 , 31756 , 31757 , 31758 . (from left to right) The NPC ID of SHP in air is 31768 , 31769 . (from left to right) There have 30 times of SHP data , show below:SHP-31755 has 4 random model: bear , ravager , tallstrider , crocolisk . SHP-31756 has 4 random model: turtle , boar , scorpid , gorilla . SHP-31757 has 4 random model: warpstalker , serpent , cat , hyena . SHP-31758 has 4 random model: wolf , raptor , spider , crab . SHP-31768 has 4 random model: sporebat , bat , dragonhawk , netherray . SHP-31769 has 4 random model: windserpent , carrionbird , owl , stormcrow . The level of SHP is between 74 and 80. The hit point of SHP:lv 74 SHP:10282 lv 75 SHP hp:10635 lv 76 SHP hp:11001 lv 77 SHP hp:11379 lv 78 SHP hp:11770 lv 79 SHP hp:12175 lv 80 SHP hp:12600 The respawn time of SHP: every day AM0200(zhTW server). When server reboot, SHP will respawn. SHP respawn video: Other informations of SHP from wow database: SHP-31755 allakhazam wowhead thottbot wowdb wowbox SHP-31756 allakhazam wowhead thottbot wowdb wowbox SHP-31757 allakhazam wowhead thottbot wowdb wowbox SHP-31758 allakhazam wowhead thottbot wowdb wowbox SHP-31768 allakhazam wowhead thottbot wowdb wowbox SHP-31769 allakhazam wowhead thottbot wowdb wowbox In allakhazam, the screenshots of SHP-31769 is wrong. In wowhead, every SHP has one screenshots and 3D model. The comments in wowhead SHP-31755 : Tavaria: I think this one was removed, can't see him in the pet shop. :o The comments in wowhead SHP-31758 : Bloodveld: Quite a nice looking crab there. In thottbot, every SHP has the same comments: Bartjeuh: a raptor dragonhawk owl scorpid warp stalker... sad that its not possible to buy ANY pet in there only toys for em In wowdb, SHP-31755 and SHP-31758 have not 3D model. In wowbox, every SHP have one 3D model data ID. SHP path: SHP-31755 (red) A >move straight> B >move straight> A SHP-31756 (orange) A >move straight> B >move straight> A SHP-31757 (green) A >move straight> B >move straight> C >move straight> A SHP-31758 don't move. SHP-31768 (sky blue) A >fly half circle> B >fly half circle> A >fly half circle> B >fly straight> A SHP-31769 (blue) A >fly straight> B >fly 3/4 circle> C >fly straight> A Special thanks to some player on zhTW server:Icecrown - 阿楷 (thanks 阿楷 open the Dalaran Portal .) Menethil - 五支菸 (thanks 五支菸 open another account player, Zealot Blade - 艾倫卡特, to help me collect data.)