2010年12月22日 星期三



To recover artifacts, you need to collect artifact fragments. Fragments are found in digsites visible on your map. When you reach a dig site, use the Survey ability. Your survey tool will indicate the approximate direction and distance to the cache of fragments. You can collect fragments three times in a dig site before you need to move to a new digsite. Once you have enough fragments, you can solve an artifact to learn a little more about Azeroth's past. Happy hunting!



Fossils are the preserved remains of animals or plants from the ancient past. Typically the living tissues are replaced with minerals that preserve the form of the original organism.

31[黑色三葉蟲][黑色三葉蟲][Black Trilobite][Black Trilobite]
25[保存完整的蕨類][保存完整的蕨類][Beautiful Preserved Fern][Beautiful Preserved Fern]
85[化石小迅猛龍][化石小迅猛龍][Fossilized Hatchling][Fossilized Hatchling]
35[彎曲的菊石殼][彎曲的菊石殼][Twisted Ammonite Shell][Twisted Ammonite Shell]
35[魔暴龍牙齒][魔暴龍牙齒][Devilsaur Tooth][Devilsaur Tooth]
35[封有昆蟲的琥珀][封有昆蟲的琥珀][Insect in Amber][Insect in Amber]
35[古老鯊魚下顎][古老鯊魚下顎][Ancient Shark Jaws][Ancient Shark Jaws]
33[羽毛迅猛龍臂][羽毛迅猛龍臂][Feathered Raptor Arm][Feathered Raptor Arm]
35[兇惡古魚][兇惡古魚][Vicious Ancient Fish][Vicious Ancient Fish]
100[化石迅猛龍][化石迅猛龍][Fossilized Raptor][Fossilized Raptor]
45[元龍骷髏][元龍骷髏][Proto-Drake Skeleton][Proto-Drake Skeleton]
45[海怪觸手化石][海怪觸手化石][Imprint of a Kraken Tentacle][Imprint of a Kraken Tentacle]
30[石化木裂片][石化木裂片][Shard of Petrified Wood][Shard of Petrified Wood]
35[怪異絲絨蟲][怪異絲絨蟲][Strange Velvet Worm][Strange Velvet Worm]
150[絕種龜殼][絕種龜殼][Extinct Turtle Shell][Extinct Turtle Shell]
100[古老的琥珀][古老的琥珀][Ancient Amber][Ancient Amber]
120[翼手龍寶寶][翼手龍寶寶][Pterrordax Hatchling][Pterrordax Hatchling]



The tol'vir were originally stone constructs created by the titans to safeguard the secrets of Uldum. They possess feline lower bodies and heads as well as human torsos. Like many other titan creations, the tol'vir succumbed to the curse of flesh. Three tribes exist in the present day: Ramkahen, Orsis (nearly wiped out) and Neferset. The latter tribe has allied with Deathwing in order to regain the tol'vir's stone form.

45[沙之堡][沙之堡][Castle of Sand][Castle of Sand]
45[翡翠眼珠的小貓雕像][翡翠眼珠的小貓雕像][Cat Statue with Emerald Eyes][Cat Statue with Emerald Eyes]
45[滑石甲蟲項鍊][滑石甲蟲項鍊][Soapstone Scarab Necklace][Soapstone Scarab Necklace]
45[小片綠洲馬賽克工藝][小片綠洲馬賽克工藝][Tiny Oasis Mosaic][Tiny Oasis Mosaic]
45[紋刻彎刀握柄][紋刻彎刀握柄][Engraved Scimitar Hilt][Engraved Scimitar Hilt]
45[臟器罈][臟器罈][Canopic Jar][Canopic Jar]
45[沙漠宮殿草圖][沙漠宮殿草圖][Sketch of a Desert Palace][Sketch of a Desert Palace]
150[蠕行的爪子][蠕行的爪子][Crawling Claw][Crawling Claw]
150[安姆內法杖][安姆內法杖][Staff of Ammunae][Staff of Ammunae]
150[甲蟲風暴墜飾][甲蟲風暴墜飾][Pendant of the Scarab Storm][Pendant of the Scarab Storm]
150[阿茲亞基權杖][阿茲亞基權杖][Scepter of Azj'Aqir][Scepter of Azj'Aqir]
150[西羅科彎刀][西羅科彎刀][Scimitar of the Sirocco][Scimitar of the Sirocco]
150[年少皇帝之戒][年少皇帝之戒][Ring of the Boy Emperor][Ring of the Boy Emperor]

夜精靈(Night Elf)


The kaldorei are one of the most ancient races of Azeroth. One of the darkest moments in their history occurred when the quel'dorei, or Highborne - the highest caste of elven nobility - unleashed dangerous magic that brought the Burning Legion into the world and resulted in countless deaths.

30[精靈貴族精品盒][精靈貴族精品盒][Highborne Pyxis][Highborne Pyxis]
30[象牙嵌飾頭冠][象牙嵌飾頭冠][Inlaid Ivory Comb][Inlaid Ivory Comb]
30[令人羞恥的絲質睡衣][令人羞恥的絲質睡衣][Scandalous Silk Nightgown][Scandalous Silk Nightgown]
35[鹿角披風扣][鹿角披風扣][Cloak Clasp with Antlers][Cloak Clasp with Antlers]
35[埃德薩拉斯錢幣][埃德薩拉斯錢幣][Coin from Eldre'Thalas][Coin from Eldre'Thalas]
35[碎裂的旋刃][碎裂的旋刃][Shattered Glaive][Shattered Glaive]
35[綠龍戒指][綠龍戒指][Green Dragon Ring][Green Dragon Ring]
35[卡多雷雙耳瓶][卡多雷雙耳瓶][Kaldorei Amphora][Kaldorei Amphora]
35[孔雀石銀飾髮夾][孔雀石銀飾髮夾][Hairpin of Silver and Malachite][Hairpin of Silver and Malachite]
35[精緻的音樂盒][精緻的音樂盒][Delicate Music Box][Delicate Music Box]
100[精靈貴族靈魂之鏡][精靈貴族靈魂之鏡][Highborne Soul Mirror][Highborne Soul Mirror]
100[德魯伊和牧師的雕像組合][德魯伊和牧師的雕像組合][Druid and Priest Statue Set][Druid and Priest Statue Set]
35[粉紅小珍珠串][粉紅小珍珠串][String of Small Pink Pearls][String of Small Pink Pearls]
34[一箱玻璃小動物][一箱玻璃小動物][Chest of Tiny Glass Animals][Chest of Tiny Glass Animals]
35[破裂的水晶瓶][破裂的水晶瓶][Cracked Crystal Vial][Cracked Crystal Vial]
35[薩維斯權杖][薩維斯權杖][Scepter of Xavius][Scepter of Xavius]
98[卡多雷風鈴][卡多雷風鈴][Kaldorei Wind Chimes][Kaldorei Wind Chimes]
100[艾薩拉女王的晨衣][艾薩拉女王的晨衣][Queen Azshara's Dressing Gown][Queen Azshara's Dressing Gown]
150[泰蘭妲珍愛的娃娃][泰蘭妲珍愛的娃娃][Tyrande's Favorite Doll][Tyrande's Favorite Doll]
150[變形之骨][變形之骨][Bones of Transformation][Bones of Transformation]
45[百法師項鍊][百法師項鍊][Carcanet of the Hundred Magi][Carcanet of the Hundred Magi]
45[銀色卷軸匣][銀色卷軸匣][Silver Scroll Case][Silver Scroll Case]
45[陰影月牙刃][陰影月牙刃][Umbra Crescent][Umbra Crescent]
150[幽光護符][幽光護符][Wisp Amulet][Wisp Amulet]
30[伊露恩墜飾項鍊][伊露恩墜飾項鍊][Necklace with Elune Pendant][Necklace with Elune Pendant]



The nerubians are descended from an ancient race known as the aqir, roughly half of which migrated far to the north after continual warfare with the trolls. There they founded a gigantic city-state below Northrend, the legendary Azjol-Nerub. The arrival of the Lich King was brutally hard on the wicked nerubian race, with many of the spiderlike creatures converted to the Scourge and others driven deep into hiding.

45[蜘蛛日晷][蜘蛛日晷][Spidery Sundial][Spidery Sundial]
45[奈札兒阿茲瑞特權杖][奈札兒阿茲瑞特權杖][Scepter of Nerzar'Azret][Scepter of Nerzar'Azret]
45[感染的紅寶石戒指][感染的紅寶石戒指][Infested Ruby Ring][Infested Ruby Ring]
45[恐怖的心臟盒][恐怖的心臟盒][Gruesome Heart Box][Gruesome Heart Box]
45[六爪飛簷][六爪飛簷][Six Clawed Cornice][Six Clawed Cornice]
45[一大瓶蟄猛巨蟲血液][一大瓶蟄猛巨蟲血液][Ewer of Jormungar Blood][Ewer of Jormungar Blood]
45[輔臣的潦草紙條][輔臣的潦草紙條][Vizier's Scrawled Streamer][Vizier's Scrawled Streamer]
140[上古之神的祝福][上古之神的祝福][Blessing of the Old God][Blessing of the Old God]
140[尤格薩倫的解謎箱][尤格薩倫的解謎箱][Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron][Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron]



The earliest known trolls belonged to the Zandalar tribe, from which all other trolls are descended. The Zandalari were regarded as an overarching priest caste for all trolls and worked tirelessly to record and preserve troll society and traditions. Of the many tribes that split off from the Zandalari, the two most dominant were the Gurubashi and Amani.

27[贊達拉巫毒人偶][贊達拉巫毒人偶][Zandalari Voodoo Doll][Zandalari Voodoo Doll]
30[希爾雷克神像][希爾雷克神像][Fetish of Hir'eek][Fetish of Hir'eek]
32[蜥蜴之足符咒][蜥蜴之足符咒][Lizard Foot Charm][Lizard Foot Charm]
35[鑲有紅寶石雙眼的玉蛇][鑲有紅寶石雙眼的玉蛇][Jade Asp with Ruby Eyes][Jade Asp with Ruby Eyes]
34[羽狀黃金耳環][羽狀黃金耳環][Feathered Gold Earring][Feathered Gold Earring]
35[恐怖的燃棘塑像][恐怖的燃棘塑像][Eerie Hakkari Idol][Eerie Hakkari Idol]
35[朱砂寶石][朱砂寶石][Cinnabar Bijou][Cinnabar Bijou]
35[顱型花盆][顱型花盆][Skull-Shaped Planter][Skull-Shaped Planter]
35[碧玉錢幣手鐲][碧玉錢幣手鐲][Bracelet of Jade and Coins][Bracelet of Jade and Coins]
35[加茲瑞拉刻像][加茲瑞拉刻像][Gahz'rilla Figurine][Gahz'rilla Figurine]
35[阿塔萊權杖][阿塔萊權杖][Atal'ai Scepter][Atal'ai Scepter]
35[塞有金質填充物的牙齒][塞有金質填充物的牙齒][Tooth with Gold Filling][Tooth with Gold Filling]
35[德拉克瑞祭儀之刀][德拉克瑞祭儀之刀][Drakkari Sacrificial Knife][Drakkari Sacrificial Knife]
150[辛洛斯,諸界毀滅者][辛洛斯,諸界毀滅者][Zin'rokh, Destroyer of Worlds][Zin'rokh, Destroyer of Worlds]
32[精緻血頂族晚餐器皿][精緻血頂族晚餐器皿][Fine Bloodscalp Dinnerware][Fine Bloodscalp Dinnerware]
100[作祟戰鼓][作祟戰鼓][Haunted War Drum][Haunted War Drum]
100[巫毒刻像][巫毒刻像][Voodoo Figurine][Voodoo Figurine]



The dwarves of Ironforge were originally composed of three clans: the Bronzebeards, the Wildhammers and the Dark Irons. As the result of a civil war, the Bronzebeards were left in control of the city of Ironforge while the Wildhammers eventually retreated to the Hinterlands and Twilight Highlands. The Dark Iron dwarves came to dwell in between the Redridge Mountains and the Burning Steppes, in the shadow of Blackrock Mountain.

35[白鑞酒杯][白鑞酒杯][Pewter Drinking Cup][Pewter Drinking Cup]
35[陶製骨灰罈][陶製骨灰罈][Ceramic Funeral Urn][Ceramic Funeral Urn]
30[磨損的狩獵小刀][磨損的狩獵小刀][Worn Hunting Knife][Worn Hunting Knife]
32[骨製遊戲骰子][骨製遊戲骰子][Bone Gaming Dice][Bone Gaming Dice]
35[石獅鷲獸][石獅鷲獸][Stone Gryphon][Stone Gryphon]
34[銀色頸部飾環][銀色頸部飾環][Silver Neck Torc][Silver Neck Torc]
28[木製哨子][木製哨子][Wooden Whistle][Wooden Whistle]
34[安威瑪紋飾腰帶扣環][安威瑪紋飾腰帶扣環][Belt Buckle with Anvilmar Crest][Belt Buckle with Anvilmar Crest]
34[火拳的寶石酒杯][火拳的寶石酒杯][Moltenfist's Jeweled Goblet][Moltenfist's Jeweled Goblet]
35[『救贖者』圖納迪爾之紋刻劍][『救贖者』圖納迪爾之紋刻劍][Notched Sword of Tunadil the Redeemer][Notched Sword of Tunadil the Redeemer]
35[奇特的叩門環][奇特的叩門環][Bodacious Door Knocker][Bodacious Door Knocker]
34[渦紋鞋跟][渦紋鞋跟][Boot Heel with Scrollwork][Boot Heel with Scrollwork]
35[黃金夜壺][黃金夜壺][Golden Chamber Pot][Golden Chamber Pot]
35[核錘翼盔][核錘翼盔][Winged Helm of the Corehammer][Winged Helm of the Corehammer]
36[鐵星的石化盾牌][鐵星的石化盾牌][Ironstar's Petrified Shield][Ironstar's Petrified Shield]
35[荷魯茲·滅鴉的凹陷盾牌][荷魯茲·滅鴉的凹陷盾牌][Dented Shield of Horuz Killcrow][Dented Shield of Horuz Killcrow]
35[暗影牧師阿努德之焦灼法杖][暗影牧師阿努德之焦灼法杖][Scorched Staff of Shadow Priest Anund][Scorched Staff of Shadow Priest Anund]
35[卡爾加·刺肋的權杖][卡爾加·刺肋的權杖][Scepter of Charlga Razorflank][Scepter of Charlga Razorflank]
35[安格弗秘銀項鍊][安格弗秘銀項鍊][Mithril Chain of Angerforge][Mithril Chain of Angerforge]
35[影爐骷髏法杖][影爐骷髏法杖][Skull Staff of Shadowforge][Skull Staff of Shadowforge]
100[發條地精][發條地精][Clockwork Gnome][Clockwork Gnome]
100[山脈之王的酒杯][山脈之王的酒杯][Chalice of the Mountain Kings][Chalice of the Mountain Kings]
45[考爾銀色波刃劍][考爾銀色波刃劍][Silver Kris of Korl][Silver Kris of Korl]
45[燃眼戰槌][燃眼戰槌][Warmaul of Burningeye][Warmaul of Burningeye]
45[鐵怒尖刺護手][鐵怒尖刺護手][Spiked Gauntlets of Anvilrage][Spiked Gauntlets of Anvilrage]
45[柔伊女皇之語][柔伊女皇之語][Word of Empress Zoe][Word of Empress Zoe]
45[銅鬚權杖][銅鬚權杖][Scepter of Bronzebeard][Scepter of Bronzebeard]
150[旅店老闆的女兒][旅店老闆的女兒][The Innkeeper's Daughter][The Innkeeper's Daughter]
150[巫士族長索瑞森法杖][巫士族長索瑞森法杖][Staff of the Sorceror-Thane Thaurissan][Staff of the Sorceror-Thane Thaurissan]
45[弗蘭克羅恩·鑄鐵的煙斗][弗蘭克羅恩·鑄鐵的煙斗][Pipe of Franclorn Forgewright][Pipe of Franclorn Forgewright]
30[矮人嬰兒襪][矮人嬰兒襪][Dwarven Baby Socks][Dwarven Baby Socks]



The vrykul are a race of giant warriors native to the Howling Fjord in Northrend. They have a close affinity with the sea and with native proto-drakes. Many vrykul were absorbed into the vast armies of the Lich King.

45[複雜的寶箱鑰匙][複雜的寶箱鑰匙][Intricate Treasure Chest Key][Intricate Treasure Chest Key]
130[尼弗瓦鉤斧][尼弗瓦鉤斧][Nifflevar Bearded Axe][Nifflevar Bearded Axe]
45[燧石生火杖][燧石生火杖][Flint Striker][Flint Striker]
45[尖牙披風飾針][尖牙披風飾針][Fanged Cloak Pin][Fanged Cloak Pin]
45[帶刺項鍊][帶刺項鍊][Thorned Necklace][Thorned Necklace]
100[維酷角杯][維酷角杯][Vrykyl Drinking Horn][Vrykyl Drinking Horn]



The draenei were originally eredar who fled from the Burning Legion and settled on the world of Draenor, where they came into contact with the orcs. When the blood elves arrived, many draenei fled again, this time coming to Azeroth, where they joined the Alliance.

45[金鈴鐺足環][金鈴鐺足環][Anklet with Golden Bells][Anklet with Golden Bells]
45[雕刻的奇木豎琴][雕刻的奇木豎琴][Carved Harp of Exotic Wood][Carved Harp of Exotic Wood]
46[奇怪的銀色紙鎮][奇怪的銀色紙鎮][Strange Silver Paperweight][Strange Silver Paperweight]
46[納斯雷茲姆權杖][納斯雷茲姆權杖][Scepter of the Nathrezim][Scepter of the Nathrezim]
46[巴洛克劍鞘][巴洛克劍鞘][Baroque Sword Scabbard][Baroque Sword Scabbard]
44[精緻水晶燭臺][精緻水晶燭臺][Fine Crystal Candleabra][Fine Crystal Candleabra]
45[莊嚴的肖像][莊嚴的肖像][Dignified Portrait][Dignified Portrait]
124[那魯的降臨][那魯的降臨][Arrival of the Naaru][Arrival of the Naaru]
130[阿古斯最後的聖物][阿古斯最後的聖物][The Last Relic of Argus][The Last Relic of Argus]
45[鍍造過的伊萊克刺棒][鍍造過的伊萊克刺棒][Plated Elekk Goad][Plated Elekk Goad]



The orcs of Azeroth originally inhabited the world of Draenor, the source of most of these ancient orcish artifacts. At first, orcs were a largely peaceful people, but they turned to outright barbarity under the influence of the Burning Legion. The orcs arrived in Azeroth through the Dark Portal and fought against the Alliance in two wars. Another may be on the horizon.

45[小銅蠍][小銅蠍][Tiny Bronze Scorpion][Tiny Bronze Scorpion]
45[石衛士姆拉格之槌][石衛士姆拉格之槌][Maul of Stone Guard Mur'og][Maul of Stone Guard Mur'og]
45[灰色的蠟燭殘柱][灰色的蠟燭殘柱][Gray Candle Stud][Gray Candle Stud]
45[生鏽的牛排刀][生鏽的牛排刀][Rusted Steak Knife][Rusted Steak Knife]
45[耐克魯斯·碎顱者的權杖][耐克魯斯·碎顱者的權杖][Scepter of Nekros Skullcrusher][Scepter of Nekros Skullcrusher]
45[兇猛狼型刻像][兇猛狼型刻像][Fierce Wolf Figurine][Fierce Wolf Figurine]
45[惡魔之鞭][惡魔之鞭][Fiendish Whip][Fiendish Whip]
45[釉面黏土磚瓦][釉面黏土磚瓦][Tile of Glazed Clay][Tile of Glazed Clay]
45[顱骨酒杯][顱骨酒杯][Skull Drinking Cup][Skull Drinking Cup]
130[薩滿始祖的頭飾][薩滿始祖的頭飾][Headdress of the First Shaman][Headdress of the First Shaman]

Reference: wowhead, wowbox.